Idioms part 7

1. Fly in the ointment:- a slight unpleasant thing that obstructs the enjoyment of something
Trick:- kch kha re ho and housefly aagyi, u'll consider it an unpleasant thing in enjoyment.

2. Fool's paradise:- a state if being happy for foolish or unfounded reasons
Trick:- Fools (murkh log) faltu ki baat pe khush hote h (for foolish reasons).

3. French leave:- A leave without information or permission
Trick:- French log bina permission leave le lete h.

4. From hand to mouth:- providing only bare essentials
Trick:- jitna hath me ho utna kha lo, means jitna earn kro, kha lo.. nothing is saved.

5. Get down to:- to attend to work seriously
Trick:- get down (baitho) aur seriously kaam kro.

6. Get into a soup/ get into hot water:- get into trouble
Trick:- soup garam lag gya to kya hoga.... u'll get into trouble.

7. Get off scot-free:- to escape without punishment
Trick:- scot-free means "without punishment" an tum free ho koi punishment nhi milegi tumhe.

8. Get on one's nerves:- to irritate or annoy
Trick:- kisi ko nerves tk pahuch jana, means bht irritae krna.

9. Gibble-gabble:- foolish talk
Trick:- gib-gab krke faltu gossips ke re ho tum.

10. Gift of the gab:- talent for speaking
Trick:- tumhe god gift mila hua h, bcz u hv art of speaking.


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