Vocab part 21
1. Uncouth:- lacking good manners; not polite Syn:- uncivilized, churlish, cloddish, boorish, loutish Ant:- polite, civilized, cultured Trick:- (Un-couth) U dont hv manners, bcz aap cow (cou) k sath polite nhi ho. 2. Wanton:- (of a cruel or voilent action) deliberate and unprovoked Syn:- malicious Ant:- juctifiable Trick:- (Want-on) kya aap cruel action chahte (want) ho. 3. Loquacious:- tending to talk a great deal Syn:- talkative, garrulous Ant:- reticent, taciturn Trick:- (Lo-quac-ious) Lo quack quack krke bht bol jata h wo. 4. Ram:- to forcefully hit something Syn:- impinge, collide, bang, bash Trick:- ram ram, itni zor se car ne hit kia use. [The car rammed him and sped away] 5.Incumbent:- holding an office or position Syn:- mandatory, obligatory, peremptory Ant:- optional, voluntary Trick:- (In-cum-bent) Office me position milte k baad wo kam jhukna (bent) sikh gya. 6. Ordeal:- an experience that is very unpleasant or difficult Syn:- crucible, gauntlet Tricl:-...