Vocab part 18

1. Fluster:- to make someone nervous and confused
Syn:- dither, fret, tizzy, porther, lather
Trick:- (F-lust-er) tumari lust (sexual desire) ki glti(err) tumhe upset kr degi.

2. Lassitude:- a state of feeling very tired
Syn:- lethargic, indolence
Ant:- enthusiasm, vigorous, rejuvenation
Trick:- (Lassi-tude) Lassi pikr dude lazy (indolent) ho gya.

3. Hypochondria:- usual or excessive concern about your health
Trick:- (Hypo-chon-dria) Hypo ria ko kon ni janta jo apni health k liye concerned h.

4. Mercenary (adjective):- a soldier who is paid by a foreign country to fight in its army.
Syn:- acquisitive, avaricious, coveting
Ant:- altruistic
Trick:- (Mer-cenary) Mar k uski scenary bna denge, jo greed k liye foreign army k liye ladega.

5. Culpable:- guilty of doing something wrong
Syn:- blameworthy, censurable, reprehensible
Trick:- kal pe bal daaloge to blameworthy ho jaoge.

6. Exasperation:- the state of being irritated
Syn:- irritation, fruatration
Ant:- delight, joy, pleasure
Trick:- (Ex-asperation) meri ex Gf ki aspiritation bht irritated thi.

7. Absolve:- to forgive, to free from guilt
Syn:- exculpate, pardon
Ant:- charge, impeach, indict
Trick:- (Ab-solve) Ab solve ho gya matter, now i m free from guilt

8. Obviate:- make (something) no longer necessary; to prevent or avoid something
Syn:- avert, prevent, preclude
Ant:- encourage, foster, promote
Trick:- (Ob-vi-ate) Obviously aap apne path se deviate ho gye ho, avoid using whatsapp.

9. Intermittent:- starting, stopping or starting again; not constant or steady
Syn:- on and off; periodic
Ant:- eternal, everlasting, perpetual
Trick:- (Intermittent) [relate it to intermission of movie] which is not constant.

10. Affront:- an open insult or indignity
Syn:- disrespect, offend, outrage
Trick:- (Af-front) apne samne (front) se hi insult kr di uski.


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