Vocab part 17

1. Pandemonium:- wild and noisy disorder or confusion, uproar
Syn:- cacophony, clamor
Ant:- calm, hush, peace
Trick:- (Pande-mon-ium) Pande ji mon rkhkr bhi noisy lgte h.

2. Paradox:- a seemingly absurd or contradictory statement
Syn:- anomaly, incongruity, conflict
Trick:- (Para-dox) Para doctors (dox) ka high ho jata h, jb contradiction hoti h.

3. Beleaguer:- put in very difficult situation
Syn:- beseiged, surrounded
Trick:- (Be-leaguer) Be legal (legal rho) difficult situation se bacho.

4. Palpable:- able to be touched or felt; noticeable
Syn:- perceptible, detectable, discernible
Trick:- (Pal-pa-ble) Pal(moment) pe bal daloge to sb noticeable ho jayega.

5. Panache:- flamboyant confidence of style or manner
Syn:- self-assurance, style
Trick:- (Pan-ache) Pan khane wale ko ache(pain) nhi hota aur style bhi alag hi h uska.

6. Poignant:- evoking a keen sense of sadness or interest
Syn:- touching, moving, sad
Ant:- indifferent, unemotional
Trick:- (Poig-nant) Pig (poig) ko tant (tent) me bht sad feel hota h.

7. Promenade:- a paved public walk, typically one along the sea front
Syn:- seafront
Trick:- (Pro-men-ade) Men ne ade ko pro (propose kia) kia, in front of sea.

8. Obsequious:- obedient or attentive to an excessive or servile degree
Syn:- sychophantic, servile
Ant:- domineering
Trick:- (Ob-se-quious) Ab (Ob) se kyu (qu) hume obedient banna h.

9. Abeyance:- a state of temporary disuse or suspension
Syn:- suspension
Ant:- resume, continue
Trick:- (Abey-ance)  Abey dance kr matter suspend ho gya hmara.

10. Pompous:- affectedly grand or self-important
Syn:- imperious, overbearing
Ant:- modest, humble, self-effacing
Trick:- (Pomp-ous) hum apne andr ego pump (pomp) krenge to self- important/arrogant ban jayenge.


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