Vocab part 13

1. Specious:- falsely appear to be fair, actually false
Syn:- beguiling, deceitful, delusive, fallacious
Ant:- aboveboard, forthright
Trick:- (Speci-ous) Specs lgakr dekhoge to galat bhi shi dikhega.

2. Scalding:- very hot, very critical, very harsh
Syn:- ardent, arctic,
Ant:- cold, frigid
Trick:- (S-cald) cald~ cold opp. of hot.

3. Streaked (adj.):- physically or mentally disturbed; upset
Syn:- banded, barred
Trick:- (S-treak) Steak (thik)  nishana nhi lga to aap mentally upset ho.

4. Vulnerable:- easily hurt or harmed physically or emotionally
Syn:- endangered, sensitive, susceptible
Ant:- unexposed
Trick:- (Vul-ner-able) Jo wool (vul) dene k able (yogya) h use aap easily hurt kr dete ho.

5. Ascent:- upward slope, progress
Ant:- descent, divs, fall, plunge
Trick:- (As-cent) As u use cent (perfume) u think, u r progressing

6. Commotion:- noisy excitement and confusion
Syn:- excursion, bluster, clatter
Ant:- tranquility
Trick:- (Com-motion) puri comb motion me aagyi to sb noisy ho gya.

7. Chicanery:- the use of deception to achieve one's purpose
Syn:- trickery, deception, deceit
Trick:- (Chi-can-ery) Chiii can me bhi koi trick chupai h usne, dhokha de ra h sbko.

8. Scuttle:- to cut a hole through the bottom
Syn:- destroy, wreck
Trick:- (S-Cutt-le) (whn u want to destroy something, u cut it)

9. Delusion:- a belief that is not true; a false idea
Syn:- daydream, fantasy, hallucination
Ant:- truth, verity
Trick:- Delusion (relate it to illusion)

10. Dissipate:- to cause (something) to spread out and disappear
Syn:- scatter, squander
Ant:- cluster, assemble, congregate
Trick:- (Dissi-pate) Dissi ko apna pate (stomach) disappear ya kam krna h.


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