Vocab part 6

1. Repudiate:- refuse to accept
Syn:- reject, renounce, abandon
Ant:- embrace, acknowledge
Trick:- Repu aur dia (names) ek dusre ko accept krne se mna kr dia
2. Tumultuous:- making an uproar or loud confused noise
Syn:- loud, thunderous
Ant:- peaceful, uneventful
Trick:- wo zor se bola Tum-ultu (ulte) ho aur galat ho.
3. Transgress:- go beyond the limits of (what is morally, socially acceptable)
Syn:- misbehave, break the law
Ant:- obedience
Trick:- ran- gre (wo bhag kr aisa giri bcz wo beyond the limits chli gyi)- misbehave krne lgi thi.
4. Buoyancy (noun):- a cheeful and optimistic
Syn:- cheerfulness, happiness, brightness
Trick:- Hum tab bounce hote h jab happiness hoti h.
5. Lugubrious:- full of sadness, sorrow: very sad especially in an exaggerated
Syn:- mournful, depressive, desolate, dire, gloomy
Trick:- lugai (wife) bri (bdi) udas si hoti h- full of sadness (just for trick :p)
6. Ostracize (verb):- exclude from a society or a group
Syn:- boycott, blacklist, reject
Trick:- Os-tra-cize (us tarah size chota dekhkr use boycott kia gya)
7. Enmesh:- cause to become entangled in something
Syn:- ensnarl, embroil, entrap, snare
Ant:- disentangle, untangle
Trick:- itna mesh up mt ho jana, fas (entrap) jaoge wrna.
8. Hedonism (noun):- the belief that pleasure is most important goal in life
Syn:- carnality, debauchery
Ant:- abstinence, asceticism
Trick:- hed-o-nism -jo head (superior) ban jate h, wo pleasure ko main goal bna lete h
9. Anodyne:- not likely to offend or upset anyone
Syn:- innocuous,  benign
Ant:- baleful, baneful, deleterious
Trick:- Ano-dyne - Ana(name) ab meri dine (baari) h aur main kisi ko upset nhi krunga
10. Turpitude:- a very evil quality or way of behaving
Syn:- abjection, debasement, depravity
Trick:- Tur-pi-tude -Tur gya (chle jana) pi kr aur attitude dikhata h, ye iski evil quality h.


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