Vocab part 5- ( Tricky vocab)

1. Apposite:- relevant to a particular matter
Syn:- Pertinent, appropriate, suitable, relevant.
Ant:- irrelevant, inappropriate
Trick:- Appo (appropriate) site dekho jo particular matter se related ho or relevant ho.

2. Valiant:- Possession or showing courage or determination
Syn:- brave, fearless, courageous
Ant:- cowardly, irresolute
Trick:- Samne vali-ant (aunty) bhut courageous h.

3. Chauvinist:- a person displaying aggressive or exaggerated patriotism
Syn:- jingoistic, excessively patriotic
Trick:- Cha-vin, (Cha jaoge, jeet (vin) jaoge jb patriotism ki bhavna jagegi tumare andar)

4. Charlatan:- a person falsely claiming to have a special knowledge or skill
Syn:- quack, fraud, imposter
Trick:- Char lat (flicks) nikal kr sochti h ki spcl. knowledge h mjhe.

5. Puerile:- childishly silly and immature
Syn:- adolscent, jejune, juvenile
Ant:- sophisticated
Trick:- Puer ( pronounce it pure) purely bachho jaisa act kia h apne.

6. Pugnacious:- eager or quick to argue, quarrel
Syn:- antagonistic, belligerent
Ant:- Peaceable, friendly
Trick:- Hmara Pug(doggi) na hmesha ldai k liye ready rhta h.

7. Prelude:- an action serving as an introduction to something more imoprtant
Syn:- overture, Harbinger
Ant:- conclusion, postscript
Trick:- Pre (phle) lude (dude) aap jao aur introduction do.

8. Vivacious:- happy and lively in a way that is attractive
Syn:- lively, energetic, brisk, effervescent
Ant:- vapid, languorous, inactive
Trick:- Viva (vivah) ki baat sunkar wo energetic ho gya.

9. Reprise:- something (such as a piece of music) is repeated
Syn:- iteration, repetition
Trick:- Re-prise (fir se mjhe prize dia gya music repetition k liye)

10. Thwart:- to prevent (someone) from doing something or to stop (something) from happening
Syn:- Contravene
Trick:- It was the war (Th-war) that stopped everything.


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