VOCAB part 3

1. Erudite:- having knowledge that is learned by studying
Syn:- educated, scholarly
Ant:- benighted, unlettered
Trick:- Eru (name) ko dite (diet) ki knowledge h, she is educated.
2. Immanent (adjective)
Syn:- inherent, inbred, essential
Ant:- it is very essential to know that (I-m-man) ~ Break the word
3. Sordid- involving immoral actions
Syn:- sleazy, unsavoury
Ant:- immaculate, respectable
Trick:- Sor (Sorry) what i did ( bcz i had involved in immoral actions)
4. Penury:- the state of being very poor, extreme poverty
Syn:- Penniless, impecuniousness
Ant:- wealth, affluence
Trick:- Pen lene k bhi paise nhi uske pas, he is very poor.
5. Soporific:- tending to induce drowsiness
Syn:- sedative, tranquilizer, narcotic, opiate
Ant:- invigorating, stimulant
Trick:- Sopo (relate it to Sona) that induces sleep.
6. Abject:- extremely bad or severe
Syn:- deplorable, miserable
Ant:- fortunate, hopeful
Trick:- Ab-ject (injection) lgega to bht bura lgega.
7. Alacrity:- a quick and cheerful readiness to do something
Syn:- eagerness, willingness, amenability, promptness
crity ( pronounce it kriti), kriti is very cheerful.
8. Agile:- able to move quickly, smart and clever
Syn:- acrobatic, dexterous, deft
Ant:- Clumsy, stiff, slow
Trick:- gile (jelly), jelly moves quickly.
9. Adage:- a proverb or short statement expressing a general truth
Syn:- saying, maxim, axiom, proverb
Trick:- Age add hona possible nhi h, it is just a maxim or proverb.
10. Rambunctious:- uncontrolled in a way that is playful or full of energy
Syn:- boisterous, raucous
Ant:- placid, serene, noiseless
Trick:- Ram ne bunc (bunk) kia jo ki uncontrolled tha, playful and full of energy tha.
Thanks Kritika to provide us this benevolent material.
Team Hssc trick


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