Top most asked idioms

1.Achilles’ heels —————————A small but fatal weakness
2. Add fuel on fire ———————— To make a matter worse
3. An axe to grind ————————Somethi
ng done for selfish reasons
4. An old flame —————— A person, one had a romantic relationship relationship with, in the past
5. Bad blood ——————————- Enmity/ bitter relations
6. Bear the brunt of ———————– To bear the main part of something unpleasant
7. Big gun ————————————An influential person
8. Bird of passage ————————–One who comes occasionally
9. Castles in the air ———————— Day dream/ a hope or desire unlikely to be realized
10. Chicken hearted ———————– Lacking courage/ cowardly
11. Cry for the moon ———————–To desire the unattainable
12. Cut a sorry figure————————To give a poor show
13. Dance to one’s tune ——————– Obeying one’s order
14. Dark horse ——————————–One who wins unexpectedly
15. Democle’s sword ———————— Constant threat
16. Dead letter ——————————-A law or ordinance that is no longer enforced
17. Eat humble pie ————————–To apologize
18. Eats one’s words————————-Take a statement back
19. Elbow room —————————— Sufficient scope to move or function
20. Escape one’s lips ———————— Speak unintentionally or unexpectedly
21. Fair and square ————————– In an honest way
22. Fair sex ———————————– Women
23.Feather in the cap ————————–Additional success
24. Fish out of water————————–Out of one’s usual and comfortable place
25. Get away with —————————- To escape
26. Get down to —————————– To attend to work seriously
27. Get into hot water———————– Get into trouble
28. Green room————————— A lounge in a theatre or studio for the performers to get ready
29. Hang by a thread——————— Be in a risky situation
30. Hard nut to crack——————— A difficult problem to solve/ A person difficult to understand
31. Have one’s way———————- The way one wants
32. Have several irons in the fire ——- To be involved in many projects or activities at the same time
33. High living ——————————Living with comfort and ease
34. Hit the jackpot ————————-Gaining a big/ great success (specially by luck)
35. In full swing —————————- At the height of activity
36. In the long run————————- Ultimately
37. Iron hand/ Iron fist ——————– Rigorous control
38. Jump to a conclusion ——————To come to a conclusion prematurely
39. Kangaroo court ————————- An illegal court
40. Keep one’s finger crosses ————- To wait expectantly
41. Keep the ball rolling——————–To maintain the progress of a project or plan
42. Kith and kin——————————Blood relations
43. Lady’s man——————————- A man who is fond of the company of women
44. Left-handed compliment————– An insult disguised as a compliment
45. Look off colours————————- Look ill or unhealthy
46. Lump in the throat———————-A tight or uncomfortable feeling in throat due to emotions
47. Maiden speech————————- First speech
48. Make a hash—————————– To mess up
49. Make the best of both the worlds———- Getting benefited from both the sides
50. Make up one’s mind————————– To decide


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