Important Indian History GK Questions

Important Indian History GK Questions
1. The founder of Sikh religion Guru Nanak Dev was born in – the year 1469
2. In 1905, the Servants of India Society was established by
– Gopal Krishna Gokhale
3. Who started the newspaper Shorn Prakash? – Ishwar Chand Vidyasagar in 1859
4. The announcement of 'Communal Award' by British Prime Minister Ramsay MacDonald was made on – August 16, 1932
5. The British Prime Minister Atlee announced the withdrawal of the Britishers in the House of Commons from India on – February 20, 1947
6. The Queen Victoria assumed the title of the Empress of India in 1876 by – The Royal Titles Act passed by British Parliament in 1876
7. Following the passages of the famous Quit India resolution, the top Congress leaders were arrested on – August 9, 1942
8. Mahatma Gandhi went to South Africa in 1893 in connection with the trial of a Merchant – Abdulla Seth
9. Which revolt was made famous by Bankim Chandra Chatterjee in his novel Anand Math ? – Sanyasi Rebellion
10. The period between 1885-1905 is commonly known as the period of – Moderate Nationalism
11. Who said, 'India is for Indians' ? – Dayanand Saraswati
12. In 1821 Raja Ram Mohan Roy started the Bengal quarterly – Samvad Kaumudi
13. The Cabinet Mission to India was headed by – Lord Pathick Lawrence
14. Who said, "I am with you whole heartedly and in terms of culture also I am one of you" ? – Annie Besant
15. At which Congress Session was the working committee authorised to launch a programme of Civil Disobedience? – Lahore Session in 1929
16. Whose words are these-"I am very happy that the Congress is continuously going downhill." – Lord Elgin
17. Who said, "One Country One God, One Caste, One Mind Brothers all of us Without Difference, Without Doubt" ? – V.D. Savarkar
18. The first man after the revolt of 1857 who wanted to overthrow the British regime by means of an armed rebellion and establish self-government in India was – Vasudeo Balwant Phadke
19. Who committed the most daring murder of Sir Curzen Wyllie in 1907 in a public meeting in London? – Madan Lal Dhingra
20. In a series of articles published in 1893 called 'New Lamp for Old' who severely criticised the loyalty of the Congressmen towards the Britishers ? – Aurobindo Ghosh
21. The Governor-General who followed a spirited Forward policy towards Afghanistan was – Lord Lytton
22. Who said-"You do not realise how strong the government is, if the Congress Challenges the government would finish it in five minutes." – Gopal Krishna Gokhale
23. Whom did the Britishers call 'the Father of Indian disaffection and the biggest traitor' ? – Bal Gangadhar Tilak
24. The National College in Calcutta had been established on
– August 14, 1906
25. When was the famous Gandhi-Irwin Pact signed? – In 1931
26. The country which was the main centre of Gadar Movement was – America
27. The leader of the Congress who was totally in favour of the Cabinet Mission Plan was – Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel
28. Swami Vivekanand attended and addressed the World Parliament of Religion in Chicago in – 1893
29. Who established in 1893 the Society for the Removal of Obstacles to the Hindu Religion? – The Chapekar Brothers
30. In 1906, Dadabhai Naoroji had passed a resolution approving the issues of swadeshi and national education in – The Calcutta Session of the Indian National Congress
31. The portfolio held by Dr. Rajendra Prasad in the Interim Government formed in the year 1946 was – Food and Agriculture
32. The term Chihilganis in history is used to refer to – The Iltutmish's forty slaves
33. The capital cities of Indus Valley Civilization were –
Harapa and Mohenjodaro
34. The first carnatic war came to an end with the treaty of – Aix-La Chapell (1748)
35. With the annexation of lower Sindh, the whole of Sindhi was subjugated by Muhammad Ghur in – The year 1182 A.D.
36. In 1699, Guru Gobind Singh-one of the prominent gurus and tenth guru of Sikhs established – The Khalsa
37. The Ashoka pillar at Allahabad provides information about the reign of – Samudragupta
38. The earliest system of writings (inscriptions) is found in – The Harappa seals
39. Lothal, Sutkagendor, Allahdino, Balakot and Kuntasi were the port cities of – Indus Valley Civilization
40. The person who wrote the book Bahuvivah was – Ishwar Chand Vidyasagar
41. Under Harshvardhan in the seventh century A.D. the centre of political gravity in India shifted from Magadh to –
42. The founder of Sunga dynasty was – Pushyamitra Sunga
43. Which king of ancient India is referred to by modem writers as 'a monk in a king's garb? – Ashoka
44. Who was the Governor-General of India when 1857 revolt broke out? – Lord Canning
45. The battle of ten kings as mentioned in Rig Veda fought against Sudas (Bharata king of Tritsus family) was fought on the bank of – Parushani (Ravi) river
46. The founder of the philosophy of Vedanta/Uttara-Mimansa was – Badarayana
47. The Dutch established their earliest factory at – Surat
48. Who was the first editor of the Yugantars? – Barendra Ghosh
49. In Rig Vedic period, the basis of both social and political organisation was – The Kula (Family)
50. In 1921, a session of the Indian National Congress was held when its President was in prison and with some other leader acting as its President. Who was the Congress President in prison? – C.R. Das


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